2019年4月27日,政府与市场经济学国际学会(Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics, SAGE)成立大会暨首届政府与市场经济学国际年会在清华大学蒙民伟音乐厅召开。
SAGE学会联合创始主席之一,2007年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、哈佛大学经济学、数学教授埃里克·马斯金(Eric S. Maskin)在大会上宣读了国际经济学会(IEA)和美国经济学会(AEA)发来的贺信。IEA主席考希克·巴苏(Kaushik Basu)在贺信中表示,他非常欣喜地得知SAGE学会成立,对马斯金和李稻葵教授担任创始主席充满信心与期待;AEA主席、前美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)则指出,政府和政府政策在所有经济体当中都发挥着至关重要的作用,非常支持成立SAGE学会,希望该学会的研究工作能够进一步加深人们对于政府和经济之间关系的理解。
“I am delighted to learn about the founding of the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics, and love its beautiful acronym SAGE. With you and Eric Maskin as founding co-presidents I am optimistic about what SAGE can achieve. The interface between economics and politics is a hugely important area for the troubled world we live in. China's involvement is most welcome because China is at a stage where it should try to be more actively engaged in the global space of ideas and debate. As president of IEA I hope SAGE will develop an association with IEA in the long run.”
Kaushik Basu
President of the International Economic Association (IEA)
Professor of Economics, Cornell University
“Governments and government policies play critical roles in all economies. I support the efforts of the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics to promote research to improve our understanding of the interactions between government and the economy.”
Ben Bernanke
President of the American Economic Association (AEA)
former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve System